7 Home Staging Tips for a Quick Sale

While many things about the selling process may be out of your control, the one thing that isn’t is staging. It’s estimated that a staged home can sell between 6-20% higher than a non-staged home. Using the right staging techniques can highlight your home’s best features and ensure a quick sale. Whether you’re hiring a professional stager or doing the work yourself, make sure to incorporate these top seven home staging tips into your space.  

1. Do a deep clean

2. Declutter

3. Depersonalize

4. Add some fresh (neutral) paint

5. Play with lighting and mirrors

6. Give your rooms a purpose

7. Add landscaping and other exterior touches

Staging Pays Off

Whether you've just found your dream home or you're trying to take advantage of a hot market, there are plenty of reasons why you might want a quick sale. These staging tips are easy to pull off and well worth the effort
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